Living with Multiple Sclerosis

Did you know that women are three times more likely than men to get multiple sclerosis (MS)? And, while people most often think of the physical symptoms of MS, many women living with the disease experience mental effects as well.“Depression, stress and low self-esteem are more common among women with MS,” said Gayle Lewis, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist and board-certified psychoanalyst who serves as a National MS Society Partner in Care. In our story, “Beyond the Physical: How MS Affects Your Life” we explore this critical topic and offer resources to find the support you need. The good news: While an MS diagnosis is scary, there are treatment options and support groups to help you navigate day-to-day life. As Candice Morgan explained to HealthyWomen, “MS is not a death sentence. You can have a family, you can have a career. You can flourish. I’m living proof of that.”In our new MS education program, we break down what you need to know about this autoimmune disease, from risk factors

Living with Multiple Sclerosis

Did you know that women are three times more likely than men to get multiple sclerosis (MS)? And, while people most often think of the physical symptoms of MS, many women living with the disease experience mental effects as well.

“Depression, stress and low self-esteem are more common among women with MS,” said Gayle Lewis, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist and board-certified psychoanalyst who serves as a National MS Society Partner in Care. In our story, “Beyond the Physical: How MS Affects Your Life” we explore this critical topic and offer resources to find the support you need.

The good news: While an MS diagnosis is scary, there are treatment options and support groups to help you navigate day-to-day life. As Candice Morgan explained to HealthyWomen, “MS is not a death sentence. You can have a family, you can have a career. You can flourish. I’m living proof of that.”

In our new MS education program, we break down what you need to know about this autoimmune disease, from risk factors and symptoms to diagnosis and treatment.

This resource was created with support from Bristol Myers Squibb.

Newly Diagnosed with MS? Here Are 10 Questions to Ask Your Neurologist.

Newly Diagnosed with MS? Here Are 10 Questions to Ask Your Neurologist.

\u00bfTe diagnosticaron EM recientemente? Aqu\u00ed encontrar\u00e1s 10 preguntas que debes hacer a tu neur\u00f3logo

¿Te diagnosticaron EM recientemente? Aquí encontrarás 10 preguntas que debes hacer a tu neurólogo

MS and Sex: How Multiple Sclerosis Can Affect Intimate Relationships

MS and Sex: How Multiple Sclerosis Can Affect Intimate Relationships

La EM y el sexo: En qu\u00e9 forma la esclerosis m\u00faltiple puede afectar las relaciones \u00edntimas

La EM y el sexo: En qué forma la esclerosis múltiple puede afectar las relaciones íntimas

\u200bMS and Women of Color

MS and Women of Color

La EM y las mujeres de color

La EM y las mujeres de color

Multiple Sclerosis: What to Expect From Diagnosis to Treatment

Multiple Sclerosis: What to Expect From Diagnosis to Treatment

Esclerosis m\u00faltiple: Qu\u00e9 esperar desde el diagn\u00f3stico hasta el tratamiento

Esclerosis múltiple: Qué esperar desde el diagnóstico hasta el tratamiento

Beyond the Physical: How MS Affects Your Life

Beyond the Physical: How MS Affects Your Life

woman sitting on the couch

Más allá de lo físico: En qué forma afecta su vida la esclerosis múltiple

How Multiple Sclerosis Affects the Central Nervous System

How Multiple Sclerosis Affects the Central Nervous System

Multiple Sclerosis Education Program

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease of the nervous system. The immune system attacks myelin, the outer protective layer of the brain’s nerve fibers, cutting off communication between the brain and the body, leading to physical damage throughout the body. At least two to three times more women than men are being diagnosed with the disease. The diagnosis process can be challenging and support is important when managing MS. For more information, be sure to contact your healthcare provider and visit the links provided below.

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